Re: [bitfolk] Mail server on Bitfolk

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Author: Russ Phillips
Date: 2020-05-21 11:31 -000
To: Anahata, users
New-Topics: Re: [bitfolk] Mail server on Bitfolk
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Mail server on Bitfolk
I've been using sympl for some time (started when it was called
symbiosis), and I've always been happy with it.

On Thu, 2020-05-21 at 09:50 +0100, Anahata via users wrote:
> On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 09:16:23AM +0100, Hugh Frostick wrote:
> Hi, I am a (delighted!) relatively new BF user and run two dozen
> websitesunder Centos and Virtualmin, with no email as I keep email
> off mywebserver. I am fed up with Cpanel in multiple ways and want
> to dropthe server where I currently have all my email and mail
> forwarders.
> Is another VPS on Centos with Virtualmin a good route to manage my
> andmy clients’ email? Or is there a better solution for a mail
> server?
> Consider Sympl ( )I switched to Sympl from
> Virtualmin. It handles web and mail but there'sno reason you
> shouldn't use it for mail only. All admin done by ssh, soforget it if
> you really want a web based interface.
> Sympl is designed for Debian and uses exim4 and dovecot for mail.