On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 01:52:54PM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> At some point between 16:00Z and 17:00Z today I'm going to upgrade
> the rescue VM¹ image from Debian 9 (stretch, oldstable) to Debian 10
> (buster, stable).
> This will only take a few seconds, but as the rescue VM is an
> NFS-mounted squashfs image, replacing the image will prevent all
> currently running copies of the rescue VM from functioning.
This has now happened.
If you have an instance of the rescue VM running from before, it
will now be throwing I/O errors and be very unhappy. You should:
1) Go back to the Xen Shell menu (either by doing ctrl-a then c to
create a new window, or else using ctrl-] to exit the console)
and use the "destroy" command to kill it.
2) Exit completely out of the Xen Shell (repeatedly do ctrl-d, or
type "exit") and log back in to it again; you should see version
v1.48bitfolk56 when you log in.
3) Type "rescue" again to boot a new instance.
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