Hi Keith,
Now we have got to the bottom of the NOTAUTH thing, I thought I
better comment on some other issues.
On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 10:06:20PM +0100, Keith Williams wrote:
> And just for good measure the zone file
> keiths-place.co.uk. IN NS a.authns.bitfolk.com.
> keiths-place.co.uk. IN NS b.authns.bitfolk.com.
> keiths-place.co.uk. IN NS c.authns.bitfolk.com.
> keiths-place.co.uk. IN NS ns3.keiths-place.co.uk.
It is okay to have a.authns.bitfolk.com but I do suggest using
a.authns.bitfolk.co.uk instead, just so that there are nameservers
in different TLDs (com and uk).
You do also list ns3.keiths-place.co.uk but this is not present at
the registry:
$ whois keiths-place.co.uk | grep -A3 'Name servers:'
Name servers:
a.authns.bitfolk.co.uk 2001:ba8:1f1:f085::53
So you should either add ns3.keiths-place.co.uk at the registry or
else remove ns3.keiths-place.co.uk from the list of NS records in
the zone.
Neither of these are major issues.
https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting