Hi Keith,
On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 10:26:17PM +0800, Keith Williams wrote:
> I was toying with doing a wiki page to share the experience and tips that I
> picked up,
I for one would be very interested in seeing what you have done as I
haven't had chance to look into nftables at all yet, but know I will
have to at some point.
> but wiki syntax seems harder to fathom than nftables syntax.
The most important thing is the content so I would advise just
dumping it into a page as plain text and worrying about the
formatting later.
Ideally if you could wrap text that is supposed to be resemble code,
configuration files or shell sessions with:
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
then that will look better. If you can't remember that, just
<pre></pre> will at least be monospaced and without HTML formatting.
For anything else more advanced, the wiki is a Mediawiki install, so
look for guides on Mediawiki formatting.
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