Hi Mike,
I doubt that Henry is running keepalived. But…
As far as I understand it the problem with keepalived is that
systemd-networkd (and thus netplan) want to be in control of the
interface configuration and so conflict with what keepalived is
trying to do. Here is some more information about that:
If the above is true, then this problem is not restricted to Ubuntu
but applies to any system that tries to move addresses about (e.g,
keepalived) and also uses systemd-networkd.
I would not at this time recommend systemd-networkd for servers, so
it is important that some previous method of configuration (e.g.
ifupdown) is known to work…
On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 08:33:22AM +0000, Mike Zanker wrote:
> This couldn’t be anything to do with systemd + keepalived, could it? Somebody on Andrews & Arnold IRC has just written
> ——————
> GAH - Systemd + Keepalived is "dangerous"
> I've just experienced systemd removing IP addresses underneath keepalived
> which older versions of keepalive have no idea on!
> This leads to Keepalived saying "I'm master and all is OK" when checking "ip addr" says a very different story :/
> This only seems to be an issue on Ubuntu though
> machines with Debian seem to not have this problem
> —————-
> Apologies if I’m way off the mark (and for the formatting)!
> Mike
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