Re: [bitfolk] Double your memory for the same price

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Author: John Winters
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Double your memory for the same price

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gpg: Signature made Sun May 21 08:43:34 2017 UTC
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On 21/05/17 09:36, Andy Smith wrote:
> Hi John,
> On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 09:11:08AM +0100, John Winters wrote:
>> Presumably there will be some sort of notice coming round in due course
>> saying "Now would be a good time to re-boot"?

[snip comprehensive summary of the state of play]

Thanks for all that. I wasn't in any sense agitating for action or
wanting to know when it would happen. As I said, I don't need more RAM
and regard it purely as a very welcome bonus from an excellent supplier.

I just wanted to check my fairly obvious assumption (but not covered in
your Wiki page) that there would be a notice coming round at some point.


P.S. Incidentally, I am quite happy for my VPS to be re-booted,
migrated or folded up in a box if it helps with the process.