Re: [bitfolk] Upcoming reboot for security patch, XSA-212

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Author: Andy Smith
To: announce
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Upcoming reboot for security patch, XSA-212

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gpg: Signature made Sat Apr 1 02:09:58 2017 UTC
gpg: using DSA key 2099B64CBF15490B
gpg: Good signature from "Andy Smith <>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andrew James Smith <>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (UKUUG) <>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (BitFolk Ltd.) <>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (Linux User Groups UK) <>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (Cernio Technology Cooperative) <>" [unknown]
On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 03:34:43PM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> Reminder that the below work will be happening tonight, starting in
> around 8h24m at 2017-03-30 00:00Z, with the rest of the work taking
> place the following two nights.

The third and final set of maintenance work was completed

There was one VPS which didn't boot under pvgrub and had to be
reverted back to pygrub. This time it was Debian jessie, which is
the first of those I had seen, but again the common patter was a
legacy-GRUB config in /boot/grub/grub.conf.

I have opened support tickets with every one of the customers (that
I know of) that had to be reverted back to pygrub, so we can work
out how to get them onto pvgrub. It will probably be as simple as
installing grub2.

All of the reboots for XSA-212 are done with now and the advisory
comes out of embargo at 2017-04-04 12:00Z, so if you are interested
in the details you will find them at
after that time.

Thanks for your patience through this work, especially to the small
number of customers who unexpectedly had issues with the
pygrub→pvgrub migration.


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