[bitfolk] Early retirement of Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS

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Author: Andy Smith
To: announce
Subject: [bitfolk] Early retirement of Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS

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gpg: Signature made Fri Feb 17 16:37:28 2017 UTC
gpg: using DSA key 2099B64CBF15490B
gpg: Good signature from "Andy Smith <andy@strugglers.net>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andrew James Smith <andy@strugglers.net>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (UKUUG) <andy.smith@ukuug.org>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (BitFolk Ltd.) <andy@bitfolk.com>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (Linux User Groups UK) <andy@lug.org.uk>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (Cernio Technology Cooperative) <andy.smith@cernio.com>" [unknown]

Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS (Precise Pangolin) goes end of life in about 6
weeks, but today I attempted to boot its installer and found its
netboot kernel¹ didn't boot.

With no useful diagnostics it's probably not something I will be
able to get fixed in the remaining time so I have removed it from
our offering a bit early.

If this severely affects anyone then let me know and I'll see if I
can spend a bit more effort on it…

The ones for 14.04.x LTS and 16.04.x LTS still work fine.


¹ As downloaded from

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