I'd like to experiment with deduplicating backups. Here's some
previous experimentation I already did:
Given that what I am proposing to test involves using the 4.9.x
range of kernels, a git checkout of xfsprogs, and an experimental
mkfs.xfs option, it is clearly not without risk. And understandably
I suspect most people don't want to play with such risk when it's
their backups at stake. I've had ~100GiB of my own backups running
under this for a couple of weeks and I think it's been okay, but
So to hopefully get things started I'm prepared to offer the first
2GiB of backups for free. And I'll offer a 25% discount on backup
space beyond that. And I'll sell it in 1GiB blocks, not 5GiB ones.
So that's £0.06/GiB/month, or £0.17/GiB/quarter, or £0.60/GiB/year.
If you are interested in giving it a go please drop an email to
support@???. As I say, it will be free for up to 2GiB. But
it might break horribly and have to be withdrawn at any time, so I
won't be at all surprised if you can't be bothered with that sort of
The boring old backup service still exists:
https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting