Re: [bitfolk] Upcoming reboots for security fixes prior to 1…

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Author: Andreas Olsson
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Upcoming reboots for security fixes prior to 13 December
ons 2016-12-14 klockan 13:21 +0000 skrev Alun:
> Andy Smith <andy@???> said, in message
> 20161214124152.GU21587@???:
> > 

…perhaps I could have a bit of feedback from you as to whether we
> > did the right thing in enforcing a reboot here.

I'm all for these short notice reboots[*]. Partly because of the
rather-safe-than-sorry scenario expressed by Alun. Partly because it's
2016, and we really should know how to build our virtual infrastructure
in such a way that it survives the occasional reboots. Especially if
they are advised a head of time.

// Andreas