Re: [bitfolk] IP Bill, BitFolk, and VPNs

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Author: Ed Neville
To: Chris Dennis
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] IP Bill, BitFolk, and VPNs
On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 11:49:30AM +0000, Chris Dennis wrote:
> If not, would it make sense to use my BitFolk VPS as a VPN, so that it
> proxies my home internet connection? I've been toying with the idea
> of using software such as OpenVPN for this, and the bill (very nearly
> an Act now) gives me another reason for getting on with it.

You might find:

ssh -D 0:1085 vps

a little easier to use. Then socksify your application to make it go
through localhost on port 1085. I found this more than enough when I was
working from home a couple of years ago so that work traffic stays on
works proxy.

Do we need to get all bothered by it though? If you saw the prism thing,
then the data is being captured at the other end
(fecebook/google/hotmail etc), so it doesn't matter if you're going
through the local ISP.

If you're using transit encryption then that's probably the best, if
you're not, then it doesn't matter if the traffic goes over a VPN since
when it exits the VPN it's back to cleartext.

Are you going to benefit from the latency of another encryption layer?

There is another thing to think about, if your VPN is outside the UK, or
you're using a VPN in the UK, GCHQ may well be deliberately putting your
traffic through additional checks, domestic traffic may not be subjected
to additional checks, do you want to draw unwanted attention?

Best regards,