Re: [bitfolk] IP Bill, BitFolk, and VPNs

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Author: Alun
Date: 2016-11-21 16:54 -000
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] IP Bill, BitFolk, and VPNs
"Gavin Westwood" <bitfolk-lists-2015@???> said, in message
> > I'm not sure what the throughput would be on our VPS, though - it's
> > pretty CPU-intensive. Would it be likely to cause issues to the
> > hosting servers?
> I hadn't considered that. Is a single user VPN more CPU intensive
> than I'd imagine?

I'm not sure it's all that CPU intensive in general. I've been running
OpenVPN to my vps just as an IPV6 tunnel to home for over a year now and it
seldom, in normal use, shows up as more than a couple of percent CPU.

I've just run an IPV4 vs IPV6 speed test from my computer at work
( IPV4 via JANET is giving me
107MBits; IPV6 via my VPS is giving 83.4MBits. During that test,
OpenVPN saturated one CPU on my VPS.

Put another way, in 25 days of uptime, my OpenVPN process has accumulated
78 minutes of CPU time.

So, yes, you could end up CPU-bound, but for "normal" web browsing and
downloads, it's probably a non-issue.


Dr. Alun Jones,         auj@???,            01970 622637
Mathemateg, Ffiseg a Chyfrifiadureg,      Prifysgol Aberystwyth
Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science, Aberystwyth University