Hi Joseph,
On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 08:27:08PM +0100, Joseph Heenan wrote:
> Here's the graphs for my VM:
> http://www.thinkbroadband.com/ping/share/0ff742f2b1289b899300ba7896b098fe-26-10-2016.html
> The red spikes from the top are packet loss.
> Here's (assuming I found the right machine) a graph for the host:
> http://www.thinkbroadband.com/ping/share/42212bbd72df894fe1eb72881ce38f57-26-10-2016.html
> No ping loss shown there.
> Anyone any insight?
Certainly it seems like there is some delay or loss occurring only
between the physical host and the guest, not between the physical
host and the rest of the world. Although when running long-term
pings once per second I do not myself see actual loss - is the
Firebrick considering a high enough latency as a loss?
I have seen this sort of thing in the past and it seemed to be
related to CPU exhaustion. I had hoped we had left that behind with
the most recent hardware refresh, as the per-thread CPU performance
was increased quite considerably.
The host that your VPS is on averages at about 530% CPU (8 cores, so
in theory could go to 800%; and in fact 16 threads so again
theoretically even more).
It may not be just CPU time that is the issue but something to do
with context switches. By default Xen lets whichever guest that gets
a real CPU to have 30ms exclusive use of it, so you can imagine that
if there's only 8 real CPU cores and you have to wait 5 times before
you get scheduled then that will be 150ms before you can do
anything, such as respond to a ping.
I have some ideas I'd like to pursue on this as much of it is
configurable, so I will open a support ticket with you Joseph to
discuss further. Also if your friend is interested could you get
them to email support@??? and I'll work through things with
them too.
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