Re: [bitfolk] Simplified RDNS for IPv6?

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Author: Ole-Morten Duesund
Date: 2016-05-20 15:11 -000
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Simplified RDNS for IPv6?
On 20/05/16 16:45, Andy Smith wrote:
> Hello,
> On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 02:32:43PM +0200, Andreas Olsson wrote:
>> On fre, 2016-05-20 at 13:15 +0200, Ole-Morten Duesund wrote:
>>> But I'm uncertain about this bit :
>>> "Please bear in mind that the zone
>>> should already exist on all
>>> the nameservers you list."
>> Well, you need run an independently configured all-knowing-dns daemon
>> on each host you delegate your zones to. That is, just having a
>> designated master/primary server won't do. I would assume that that is
>> what the quoted text is referring to.
> Yes, the quoted text is from the BitFolk Panel noting that although
> that part is where you tell BitFolk where to delegate the zone to,
> you do actually have to have a DNS server running on that host or
> hosts, and authoritative for the zone in question.
> So in the all-knowing-dns case, you would need to be running it on
> each host you delegate the zone to.

Ah - simple misunderstanding then. I thought it obvious that I'd have to
provide a dns-daemon on all delegated hosts, couldn't figure out
whatever the quote was really about :-)


- OM