Re: [bitfolk] Cannot connect to console with PuTTY

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Author: Andy Smith
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Cannot connect to console with PuTTY
Hi Mike,

On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 12:40:36PM +0100, Mike Zanker wrote:
> I've just installed PuTTY on a new PC running Windows 10. When I attempt
> to connect to my VPS console (on bellini) PuTTY immediately disconnects
> with the message
> "Disconnected: No support authentication methods available (server sent:
> publickey,keyboard-interactive)"

The logs on bitfolk's side show an authentication failure for your
user and then an authentication success. Presumably the success is
when you tried it from the Linux host. Although it seems to happen
at the same time down to the second as the failed connection, so
that's weird.

> I can connect to my VPS using PuTTY without any problems. I can also
> connect to the console on bellini from my home Linux box (using openssh
> on CentOS 6).
> This was working (PuTTY, Windows 10) a couple of weeks ago - has
> anything changed?

No, I don't think so. The sshd config on that host has not been
changed in several years. If this is a new PC then surely it's the
client end that has changed?

I'm afraid I don't know how to get debug info out of PuTTY, but my
first step if it were openssh would be running the client as ssh -v.


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