On 29 April 2015 13:21:20 BST, Matthew Daubney <matt@???> wrote:
>That looks magic! Ta :)
>On 29 April 2015 at 13:12, Keith Williams <keithwilliamsnp@???>
>> https://workaround.org/ispmail/wheezy
>> On 29 April 2015 at 10:05, Matthew Daubney <matt@???>
>>> Hi Andy
>>> Just email, just me mainly :)
>>> Definitely no more than 5ish users.
>>> IMAP a definite please
>>> No need for user management for users
>>> Web interface would be nice, but not a major requirement
>>> Antispam and Antivirus would be lovely
>>> A decent way of backing up mailboxes securely would also be good
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Matt Daubney
>>> On 29 April 2015 at 09:59, Andy Smith <andy@???> wrote:
>>>> Hi Matthew,
>>>> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 09:50:41AM +0100, Matthew Daubney wrote:
>>>> > Last time I did this I remember it being a pita to maintain. Can
>>>> > recommend some reading for someone who hasn't maintained a mail
>>>> for
>>>> > about 7 years to catch up please?
>>>> I think you will get better answers if you specify your
>>>> requirements a little more.
>>>> - Will you require multiple users?
>>>> - Multiple users in multiple domains?
>>>> - User can add and remove their own mailboxes within domains that
>>>> are "theirs"?
>>>> - How do you want users to access their email?
>>>> - Directly on the server (local MUA e.g. Mutt)?
>>>> - IMAPS?
>>>> - Web interface?
>>>> - Are you looking at antispam and antivirus built in to the
>>>> solution or will you bolt that on later?
>>>> - Are we talking just email or shoulf this include groupware such
>>>> calendaring and meetings?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Andy
>>>> --
>>>> http://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
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>> Keith Williams
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That link looks good (haven't looked in detail). I've been running an email server for nearly 10 years and the only major thing I'd alter in the link's recommendation is to use an OS with a long support life, CentOS or Ubuntu LTS.
A well configured email server will just sit there doing its thing for years and you want to be troubled by as fewer OS upgrades as possible. Debian only gives you a couple if years before you need to plan upgrading.
I've previously used CentOS for my servers but would probably go with Ubuntu LTS now as uses more more current software (support for newer encryption ciphers etc).