Re: [bitfolk] OK, who's brave?

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Author: ed
CC: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] OK, who's brave?
On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 07:48:16PM +0100, Ian wrote:
> As ever, I'd quite like someone else to do the Wheezy to Jessie
> upgrade first :)
> The one thing I know I have to watch out for is that the change from
> Apache 2.2 to 2.4 involves a change in the authentication modules
> for websites that use it. I have it on \wp-admin for WordPress
> websites as that stops the bots from bothering WordPress itself...

There's nothing stopping you from (and I think its sensible to)
installing Apache 2.4 from source in /usr/local/, copying your conf, and
changing the port and log/pid file locations to slight variations so
that you can test Apache before doing a switch over. Slight issues
arise from .htaccess locations, so copy your web tree to a second path.
Since it's wordpress most of the real content will be in a DB that you
don't need to worry about.

Once you've got that working you could use something like this after
doing the upgrade. Though, there are times that its good to manage your
own Apache config, or maybe install nginx first and have that proxy the
heavy lifting through to Apache and let nginx serve images...

  # find . -name .htaccess | tar cvf - -T - \
    | ( cd /current_apache_path && tar xvf - )

Then if you're going to use nginx you can run PHP as FastCGI which some
may argue is better...

Well done biting the bullet and doing the upgrade, at least you have a
test system, and also well done for doing a backup first :)

Best regards,