[bitfolk] ZPanel (was Re: Out of memory: Kill process 11946 …

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Author: Andy Smith
To: users
Old-Topics: Re: [bitfolk] Out of memory: Kill process 11946 (httpd) score 28 or sacrifice child
Subject: [bitfolk] ZPanel (was Re: Out of memory: Kill process 11946 (httpd) score 28 or sacrifice child)

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gpg: Signature made Sun Sep 7 17:32:28 2014 UTC
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gpg: Good signature from "Andy Smith <andy@strugglers.net>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andrew James Smith <andy@strugglers.net>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (UKUUG) <andy.smith@ukuug.org>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (BitFolk Ltd.) <andy@bitfolk.com>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (Linux User Groups UK) <andy@lug.org.uk>" [unknown]
gpg: aka "Andy Smith (Cernio Technology Cooperative) <andy.smith@cernio.com>" [unknown]
On Sun, Sep 07, 2014 at 05:04:06PM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 06, 2014 at 05:46:58PM +0100, James Wade wrote:
> > It's CentOS 6.5, running ZPanel and Wordpress... That's it.
> I generally recommend against installing any sort of "panel"
> software like CPanel, because they replace standard system binaries
> and configurations leading you into a situation where you only know how
> to administer the panel software, not a Linux system. I've never
> heard of ZPanel and have no idea if it's anything like CPanel; I
> hope not.

I had a quick look to see if I could work out how bad it was, and

http://zpanelcp.com/ is just a blank page right now

It looks very bad.


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