Re: [bitfolk] IPv6

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Author: Paul Tansom
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] IPv6
** Hugo Mills <hugo-bf@???> [2014-08-31 16:07]:
> On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 03:01:22PM +0100, Mike Zanker wrote:
> > On 31 August 2014 07:10, Simon <simon@???> wrote:
> > > Or get a real Internet connection ; )
> >
> > Seconded :)
> >
> > I started off with a tunnel from my VPS to my linux box at home but
> > now I'm with AAISP Ive gone native, as it were...
>    If you do migrate to an ISP that supports IPv6 directly, the advice
> from Vint Cerf is to let your existing ISP know that you're moving
> because they don't offer IPv6. That way, we might actually see a few
> more of them doing it.

** end quote [Hugo Mills]

Yes, every now and then I have a bit of fun phoning the sales lines of ISPs or
usually using their online chat. I ask about their facilities and although some
understand what I'm talking about when I ask about fixed IP addresses, they get
lost when I talk IPv6. Once in a while they tell me they can do it, and when I
question a bit further it is clear they haven't got a clue. With any luck
things have improved somewhat since I last was at a loose end and tried that. I
doubt it ever gets fed back that a potential customer (as far as they know) is
interested in IPv6.

I'm with Entanet so have both a fixed IPv6 and a chunk of IPv6 addresses and
native support on my router. I really need to get sorted on my website for
signing up being a reseller!

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | | 023 9238 0001
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