[bitfolk] Wordpress xml-rpc attacks

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Author: Paul Tansom
To: users
Subject: [bitfolk] Wordpress xml-rpc attacks
Is anyone else suffering from this pingback ddos at the moment? My server is
only a low spec one and keeps being brought to its knees by it. Now I've had
the time to actually look at the logs and work out what is happening I'm in the
process of putting some form of protection in there, although the quick fixes
seem to impact functionality. I was just wondering what anyone else had done,
assuming others have been impacted too. Not having read in full detail yet, I'm
wondering why this is just a Wordpress issue. Wouldn't you be able to do the
same thing with any blog or cms that uses pingback?

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com/ | 023 9238 0001
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