Hi Andy,
sure, that’d be welcome - I wasn’t sure whether this list was for bitfolk/xen-specific issues, so I thought I’d try and resolve it on my own first.
The issue is that when I try to boot into multiuser/runlevel 3, once the startup scripts pass a certain point the system hangs. Carriage return/control-C on console seem to register (I get newlines) but with no effect - so the console connection seems to be ok. I have to destroy the instance from the console and reboot to recover. There’s no exact script where it hangs - sometimes S03mysql, sometimes S03lighttp, sometimes S03ssh
I am able to boot into single-user, thanks to your help. I manually get networking working, as well as start sshd. However, when I ctrl-D out of single user mode, it quickly hangs.
I suspected it might have something to do with networking, as I had ntpd enabled and get regular “could not resolve <ntp server>” errors even when the rest of the boot process hangs - and even once sshd starts, it’s not reachable from outside. I’m not sure why networking wouldn’t be starting ; /etc/network/interfaces looks ok, and as mentioned, I’m able to configure it manually in single user.
Syslog at debug level tells me nothing - the last entry I see is usually something about MySQL table checking, but even disabling MySQL (and other services where it hangs) in /etc/rc3.d doesn’t make a difference.
I’m close to just reinstalling at this point, but if this sounds at all familiar, any hints are welcome.
Thank you,
On 5Jul 2014, at 21:43, Andy Smith <andy@???> wrote:
> Hi John,
> On Sat, Jul 05, 2014 at 07:54:56PM +0200, John Morgan Salomon wrote:
>> thanks, that solved it (at least my Grub problems, it’s still not booting but that’s an issue with a startup script somewhere).
> Glad to hear you have your grub issues sorted. But what's this other
> booting issue?
> Perhaps we can help.
> Cheers,
> Andy
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