Re: [bitfolk] Yahoo! breaks every mailing list in the world …

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Author: Mike Zanker
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Yahoo! breaks every mailing list in the world (including this one)
On 26 April 2014 15:08, Martijn Grooten <martijn@???> wrote:

> The same things has started happening to Gmail addresses as well. I
> don't expect Gmail to follow suit and change its DMARC policy - at least
> not without some prior announcement - but one never knows and it's good
> to keep in mind that this is always a possibility.

I've been looking in the headers of e-mails from this list (I host my
domain with Google Apps for Business) and it appears to me that Google
are only doing DKIM and SPF checks on the envelope From: address (i.e. and not the contributor's address.

I've added a DMARC DNS record for my domain (with p=none, of course)
and will see what sort of report I get for my own e-mails to this
