Author: Paul Lettington Date: To: users Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Google and Bitfolk's IPv6 range?
On Thu, May 08 2014 07:06:22 +0200, Andreas Olsson wrote: > From what I can the situation appear to have been fixed at some point
> between yesterday evening and this morning.
Hi Andreas,
I use IrssiNotifier from my Bitfolk VPS to push notifications from IRC
to my phone. It hits an API on Google App Engine and had been broken for
me for some time, but I hadn't had a time to investigate it properly.
Both the API host and my VPS have IPv6, so it was probably using it.
It started working again sometime between 21:40 last night and 07:00
this morning, based on the messages it would have tried to send and
which of them actually got through.
So it looks like this was probably being caused by the same problem you
were seeing and the fix made things work for me too.