Am 2014-03-10 22:04, schrieb Ian:
> Samuel Bächler said:
>> remote: Total 338 (delta 126), reused 0 (delta 0)
>> Receiving objects: 100% (338/338), 23.88 MiB | 92 KiB/s
>> wget
>> [snip]
>> 12% [====> ] 2.999.240 2,33M/s
> It's a lot easier to send a single existing large static file than
> compare what you have with what's on the git server for 338 smaller
> files - that has an awful lot more overhead.
> What speeds do you get if you wget the Firefox on your VPS and do the
> git clone onto your home PC?
Doing this the range is between 340 KiB/s and 665 KiB/s.