Re: [bitfolk] Spam overwhelming my mail server

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Author: ed
To: Gavin Westwood
CC: BitFolk Users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Spam overwhelming my mail server
On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 03:13:44PM +0000, Gavin Westwood wrote:
> [...]
> Can any one provide some hints for IPTables rules or Exim config to rate
> limit my SMTP ports without interfering too much with normal mail
> operations? Alternatively, any suggestions to help Spamassassin process
> quicker/better?
> [...]

Not for SpamAssassin, but have you thought about using one of the RBLs?
Then you'd block potential junk before you start spending CPU time on
bayes filtering.

Alternatively, you could try greylising, 4xx the sending mail server IP
for thirty minutes on the first mail seen from it, then allow it. Often
this helps as most exploited spam sources don't queue.

Best regards,