A while ago a customer who successfully installed Gentoo on their
VPS emailed me a guide on how they did it. I hastily pasted it into
a wiki article with light reformatting, resulting in this:
Earlier I had a go at following it but unfortunately I failed pretty
much immediately, so in my opinion it could do with some work.
I possibly could work out where I went wrong by reading the Gentoo
handbook, but if I cannot follow the guide then I don't think that
someone with less Linux experience than me can follow the guide
either, thus making the guide not very useful.
Also I don't have a lot of personal interest in researching how to
install Gentoo. :-)
Rather than solely hassling the person who originally contributed: I
know there are some Gentoo fans out there, so if you feel you could
improve the guide in any way please do so by editing it. All
customers can edit the wiki by logging in with their usual BitFolk
Other guides I have successfully followed in the past despite having
very little interest in or knowledge of the finished product include:
so that'd be the sort of level to aim for - not that those can't be
improved too! :)
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