Re: [bitfolk] spamd exclusion

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Author: Tony Andersson
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] spamd exclusion
Thanks for the suggestion John. Don't have a .procmailrc though, and
am reluctant to add yet another config file. :-)

Spamassasin is called from /etc/postfix/ via a script,
/usr/local/bin/, and then the configuration is read from
/etc/mail/spamassassin/spamc.conf. Ideally I'd like to set some known
and supported parameter in the spamc.conf file. To make it global for
the server and make sure it is in a place where I am likely to find it
again, when I have forgotten all about it in a months time, but need
to change it. If I vaguely can remember the idea I could then
Google for it. Sysadmin by Googling - that's me! ;-)

Monday, October 14, 2013, 5:02:19 PM, John wrote:

> On 14/10/13 15:52, BitFolkList@??? wrote:
> [snip]
>> Is the a prefered way to "whitelist" the e-mail sender
>> yourdelivery@??? somewhow? So those emails are never sent to
>> spamassasin and filtered out as spam?

> How are you invoking spamassassin in the first place?

> I've done this in the past by means of rules in .procmailrc. First
> check for a particular sender, then invoke spamc, then on to all the
> rest of the processing.

> Of course, if you're invoking the spamassassin check on a global basis
> before the mail is routed to individual users then this won't help.

> I'd be intrigued to know what's so badly put together about DPD's
> e-mails that they fall foul of SA. It might be worth telling them.

> John

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