Re: [bitfolk] IPv6 reverse DNS

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Author: Andy Smith
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] IPv6 reverse DNS

I do understand that some people find setting up a name server and configuring the
zones etc. to be a bit of a hassle and they would really much rather
have a web interface to poke at to set up the handful of reverse DNS
entries that they have.

Just that, if you say you *do* like editing zone files in vim, then
that probably doesn't apply to you :) or if it does then I don't
understand how..


On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 08:34:38PM +0100, Jan Henkins wrote:
> +1 for this, it's how I have it.
> On 10/09/13 18:02, Andy Smith wrote:
> >What's the problem with running a nameserver on your VPS then, and
> >having BitFolk provide three secondaries?
> >
> >