Re: [bitfolk] This list as stuffed bear

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Author: Hugo Mills
To: Ian
CC: Bitfolk Users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] This list as stuffed bear

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gpg: Signature made Fri Jul 12 23:11:55 2013 UTC
gpg: using RSA key 585E1475E2AB1DE4
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On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 11:18:10PM +0100, Ian wrote:
> Some university famously has a stuffed toy in the corridor where the
> computer science department has its offices. The idea is that you
> can't bother the staff with a problem until you have explained it to
> the bear - just explaining it to someone else often causes an 'ah
> ha' moment.

I keep a small collection of plastic ducks on my desk for such
purposes. :)


> Drafting an email to this list has just been that bear :)
> Today's tip: if someone complains their ad doesn't display on some
> site, check to see if it's blocked by ad blocking browser plugins.
> In this case, the name of the banner included '468x60' and this is
> caught by some filters, because it's a common ad banner size.
> Ian
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=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... | | ===
  PGP key: 65E74AC0 from or
        --- A clear conscience.  Where did you get this taste ---        
                         for luxuries,  Bernard?