Re: [bitfolk] single-host bandwidth analysis tools

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Author: Matthew Moore
To: users
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] single-host bandwidth analysis tools
On 13/06/13 18:58, Mike Zanker wrote:
> On 13/06/2013 16:49, Andy Smith wrote:
>> I mostly just use simple bandwidth graphing in cacti to see when
>> there's anything out of the ordinary and then use tcpdump/wireshark
>> to work out what is the abnormal traffic.
>> If it's more complicated than that then I'll use ntop to get a
>> breakdown by IP address and port/protocol.
> mrtg for traffic level; ipaudit (getting rather long in the tooth now)
> for daily/weekly/monthly stats and wireshark or ntop for more detailed
> inspection.
> If anybody knows of a good ipaudit replacement I'd be interested...

Another nod for vnstat. I have also used mrtg in the past and that's
nice as well.

I also use iftop to see what's happening on a server at that time.

Matthew Moore
Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory
System Administrator
Telephone: +44 (0)1656 752165
Email: matt@???