[bitfolk] IPv6

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Author: Keith Williams
To: users
Subject: [bitfolk] IPv6
I have just spent the last few days investigating tunneling ipv6 from my
vps to my wheezy box at home and so giving my home mini-network ipv6
access. On the way I have learnt a lot about routing etc. It is now working
nicely, but what has amazed me is how small the ipv6 take up seems to be.
Once I had established that I could ping6 fairly local addresses, I tried
pinging further afield and when some of those failed, I tried dig aaaa on
them and found that there were no aaaa records. We are talking big names
here - amazon.co.uk etc. Interestingly, my isp doesn't provide ipv6
connectivity to customers, but I can ping6 them!


Keith Williams

Keith's Place www.keiths-place.co.uk

Tailor Made English www.tmenglish.org

West Norfolk RSPCA www.westnorfolkrspca.org.uk