On 25/04/13 13:57, Murray Crane wrote:
> Pedantry on my part, but 13.04 isn't an LTS release, that "honour" is
> reserved for even year April releases (10.04, 12.04, 14.04...).
> Kind regards
> Murray Crane
> Kind regards
> Murray Crane
> On 25 April 2013 13:53, Andy Smith <andy@???
> <mailto:andy@bitfolk.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> Ubuntu 13.04 LTS was released today.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseNotes
> For those eager to try it out, I've created an entry within the
> self-installer that allows you to do a clean install of it.
> https://tools.bitfolk.com/wiki/Using_the_self-serve_net_installer
> I tested that it boots and can be SSHed into over IPv4 and v6, but
> that is as far as my testing went.
> I haven't tried an upgrade from 10.04.x; if anyone does give that a
> go then creating a wiki page with any gotchas would be appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Andy
Even worse, the support time for 13.04 is less than normal. It's 9
months for non LTS releases so 13.04 goes EoL Jan 2014. Unless you need
bleeding edge, I wouldn't install 13.04 as a server.
Matthew Moore
Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory
System Administrator
Telephone: +44 (0)1656 752165
Email: matt@???