[bitfolk] File and folder permissions for static web pages

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Author: Samuel Bächler
To: users
Subject: [bitfolk] File and folder permissions for static web pages
Dear All

I installed nginx and configured it to use /var/www/default-page as its
root folder for static web pages. ls -l /var/www returns

drwxrw----. 2 nginx nginx 4096 Mar 9 11:00 default-page

I do connect to the HOST where nginx is installed using ssh with
public key encryption: ssh my_user@HOST

my_user is just a plain vanilla user. I added my_user to group
nginx. I used my_user to create web content such as a index.html file.

ls -l /var/www/default-page returns

-rw-r--r--. my_user my_user 827 Mar 5 21:30 index.html

Does anyone see any security problems with this setup?

When I remove execute permission for nginx of default-page (drwxrw----
-> drw-rw----) I get an error message (403 Forbidden) when I want to
see index.html using a browser. I do not understand what nginx has to
execute in default-page folder. Can anyone explain why nginx uses this
execute permission?



Samuel Bächler
Obere Bläsistrasse 1
8049 Zürich

Web: boeser.ch
Tel: +41(0)43 817 46 28
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