On 2012-10-08 15:25, Andy Smith wrote:
> Hi Neil, Jan,
> On Mon, Oct 08, 2012 at 03:17:40PM +0100, jan@??? wrote:
>> This is because the Lenny repos does not exist any more upstream (I
>> fell into this trap myself). There are basically two different
>> workflows you can follow:
> I think there is a third option which may have a greater chance of
> success: archive.debian.org.
This is something I did not know, thanks for the good news! :-D
> End of life releases such as lenny still exist on
> archive.debian.org. I've used it in order to achieve normal package
> installs on older machines I've had to work on. I've never done a
> dist-upgrade against it, but I can't think of any particular reason
> why that shouldn't work.
From the README on the site:
The following releases are archived on this site:
Archive Releases Directory
Debian buzz, rex, bo, hamm,
slink, potato, woody,
sarge, etch, lenny debian/
Debian Security slink, potato, woody,