On 09/07/12 09:24, Chris Smith wrote:
> On 07/07/2012 14:05, Andy Smith wrote:
> Out of curiosity, if you call out a locksmith because you've lost your
> house keys, how do they satisfy themselves that you are indeed the
> owner/occupant of the house?
Family photographs often help, it's also likely you'll have a passport
or other ID within the house that identifies you and matches the ID in
your wallet (assuming you still have that and only lost your keys).
From andyjpb@??? Thu Jul 12 14:58:18 2012
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>> Out of curiosity, if you call out a locksmith because you've lost your
>> house keys, how do they satisfy themselves that you are indeed the
>> owner/occupant of the house?
> Family photographs often help, it's also likely you'll have a passport
> or other ID within the house that identifies you and matches the ID in
> your wallet (assuming you still have that and only lost your keys).
"The Real Hustle" exposed a trick where you post your wallet through
someone else's letterbox and then use it to prove that it's your house.
From cabalamat@??? Thu Jul 12 18:04:02 2012
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