Re: [bitfolk] IP address at Nominet's nameservers is wrong

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Author: Daniel Néri
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] IP address at Nominet's nameservers is wrong
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> So are you saying that if
> - YOU had disabled the password reset, and
> - YOUR service were down, and
> - you were communicating with me via email (possibly from a
> different email address to the one in our database)
> YOU would not want me to reset your account password based on an
> image of a utility bill, but would insist upon a government ID that
> I recognise?

To clarify: if there is a better solution than a government ID image, then let's explore those options. But being able to gain access to my account by supplying a potentially 'shopped utility bill seems risky to me.
Aaron B. Russell
+44 20 3137 4147

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                <div style=3D=22font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 13px; =
=22><blockquote type=3D=22cite=22 style=3D=22border-left-style: solid; bo=
rder-left-color: rgb(0, 33, 98); border-top-width: 1px; border-right-widt=
h: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; color: rgb(0, 3=
3, 98); margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 0px; margin-=
right: 0px; display: block; =22><div><span><div><div><div>So are you sayi=
ng that if</div><div><br></div><div>- YOU had disabled the password reset=
, and</div><div>- YOUR service were down, and</div><div>- you were commun=
icating with me via email (possibly from a</div><div>different email addr=
ess to the one in our database)</div><div><br></div><div>YOU would not wa=
nt me to reset your account password based on an</div><div>image of a uti=
lity bill, but would insist upon a government ID that</div><div>I recogni=
                <div><div>To clarify: if there is a better solution than =
a government ID image, then let's explore those options. But being able t=
o gain access to my account by supplying a potentially 'shopped utility b=
ill seems risky to me.</div><div><div><div>--&nbsp;<br>Aaron B. Russell<b=
r></div><div></div><div>+44 20 3137 4147</div></div=


                <p style=3D=22color: =23A0A0A8;=22><br></p>


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