[bitfolk] Renumbering: resolver not working? still points to…

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Author: Max B
Subject: [bitfolk] Renumbering: resolver not working? still points to 212.x, instead of 85.y on >=1 machine
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On Tue, Jun 05, 2012 at 02:14:21PM +0100, Gerald Davies wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 1:53 PM, Miah Gregory <miah@???> wrote:
> > I back up the entire disk image personally [=E2=80=A6]


> This is what I would like, but I thought it would put an overhead on
> the service provided for everyone if everyone backed up using this
> approach.

At the moment the only metric we're charging by for the backups is
the disk space used, so this sort of thing is really for me to worry

Bear in mind if just backing up the filesystem with rsync then
data inside the memory of applications (e.g. pending changes in
databases like MySQL) may not get backed up properly. So you
probably want additional stuff to dump that data out consistently or

While BitFolk's backup solution is designed to be fairly simple and
only uses rsync, if you're doing your own solution then you can back
up a VPS the same way that you back up any host, so just think about
how you normally do it.


http://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting

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On 05/06/12 14:10, S P wrote:
> Miah, would you mind sharing your approach for backing up the entire
> image? I am new to VPS backing up, and am searching for a good
> approach.

It's worth taking a look at dirvish - available as a standard package in

It builds on top of rsync to enable you to keep multiple complete
snapshots of a system. I use a dedicated backup box, with RAID1 disks,
to take backups of a number of systems including my Bitfolk virtual server.


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