Re: [bitfolk] IMPORTANT: You need to renumber the IP address…

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Author: Max B
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] IMPORTANT: You need to renumber the IP address(es) of your BitFolk VPS
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 Phil Stewart <phil.stewart@???>
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] 64-bit support
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On Tue, Jun 05, 2012 at 05:24:49PM +0200, Kai Hendry wrote:
> On 5 June 2012 17:16, Phil Stewart <phil.stewart@???> wrote:
> > An in-memory datastore like Memcache or Redis can quite happily chew through
> > as much RAM as you can throw at it if you have a big enough data set. I
> > believe Redis can be configured to swap, but performance would take a
> > nose-dive.
> Could such proggies not spawn another process in order to use more
> memory though? Instead of swapping say, to slow disk IIUC.
> That's what I'm wondering. I assumed PAE kernels might aid processes
> to do this automagically too.

I believe that PAE slows things down considerably. PAE is just a
horrible hack based on segmented memory (yes, remember that from the
DOS days?).


=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... | | ===
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From: Miah Gregory <miah@???>
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Subject: Re: [bitfolk] backups (was Re: hardware problems on barbar,
 1826Z and ongoing)
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On Tue, 2012-06-05 at 09:10 -0400, S P wrote:

> Thanks in advance.
> (Sent from mobile)
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 8:53, Miah Gregory <miah@???> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2012-06-05 at 09:22 +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> >
> >> Seems like most people only back up data and configuration though.
> >
> > I back up the entire disk image personally, the change set between
> > backups is generally zero for system binaries etc, plus it provides a
> > useful audit tool should any box get hacked.
> >
> > It also means when restoring that I don't need to worry about whether or
> > not the box will restore into a working state or not due to package
> > updates or config/running state stored in non-standard locations.
> >
> > Just my 2p though, I tend to be overly zealous about these things. :)

> Miah, would you mind sharing your approach for backing up the entire
> image? I am new to VPS backing up, and am searching for a good
> approach.

Nothing particularly exciting I'm afraid. I have a separate backup host
running rsnapshot + ssh/rsync which connects to each machine daily and
rsyncs over the entire filesystem minus a few exclusions.

I'll need to re-test my bare "virtual-metal" restore procedure sometime,
but in essence this is just the same in reverse, boot new vm image, shut
down pretty much every service, rsync everything back over the top of
the running machine, reboot, done.

A few files need tweaking if you're restoring to a VM with non-identical
network addresses and so on, eg. /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/hosts



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From: Gerald Davies <gerald.davies@???>
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 14:14:21 +0100
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Subject: Re: [bitfolk] backups (was Re: hardware problems on barbar,
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On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 1:53 PM, Miah Gregory <miah@???> wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-06-05 at 09:22 +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
>> Seems like most people only back up data and configuration though.
> I back up the entire disk image personally, the change set between
> backups is generally zero for system binaries etc, plus it provides a
> useful audit tool should any box get hacked.
> It also means when restoring that I don't need to worry about whether or
> not the box will restore into a working state or not due to package
> updates or config/running state stored in non-standard locations.
> Just my 2p though, I tend to be overly zealous about these things. :)

Hey, I don't think it's overly zealous at all.

This is what I would like, but I thought it would put an overhead on
the service provided for everyone if everyone backed up using this

I'm intrigued as to how you're doing this :-) Are you dd'ing
partitions or something? O.o

Cheers, Gerald

From andy@??? Wed Jun 06 05:41:19 2012
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Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 05:40:43 +0000
From: Andy Smith <andy@???>
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