[bitfolk] IP renumbering

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Author: Ian
Subject: [bitfolk] IP renumbering
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On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 02:43:47PM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> Hello,
> As you may be aware, BitFolk currently doesn't support 64-bit
> guests. The reasons for this are:
> - 64-bit is alleged to be a little slower and use more memory
>   per-process compared to 32-bit.
> - 99.04% of BitFolk customers have less than 2GiB addressable RAM.
> - Supporting only 32-bit or only 64-bit is a bit simpler.
> We do, however occasionally lose custom due to not supporting 64-bit
> guests.
> A future memory upgrade (not planned as to when) will obviously push
> more people into the space where >2G RAM per process would be
> beneficial, so I will consider switching to only 64-bit by that
> time. Will anyone be terribly upset to leave 32-bit behind?
> To clarify I am saying that after that point new installs would have
> to be 64-bit. Existing 32-bit installs would be unaffected.
> Also if you have a requirement for 64-bit it would be appreciated if
> you could vote for:
>     https://tools.bitfolk.com/redmine/issues/27

I've encountered an interesting reason for 64bit recently - apparently
go (http://golang.org/) has problems with long running 32 bit server
processes that go away on 64bit.

Not that I have any code that actually qualifies.


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