Re: [bitfolk] Trying to install apt-show-versions

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Author: James Gregory
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Trying to install apt-show-versions
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I suggest you look at these articles in the wiki. There are a number of
useful guides linked from this page

On 25 May 2012 14:56, Simon Bell <simon@???> wrote:

> On 25/05/12 14:43, Paul Stimpson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thank you for you help with choosing a domain registrar. I went with
>> Gandi I'm the end and they seem great.
>> I've bought my first domains and I'm just about to begin configuring
>> services on my VPS. This is the first time I've run a server facing the
>> public internet.
>> I'd really appreciate any guidance on the best way to set up the
>> following so that it's competent, reliable and doesn't get pwned. I want to
>> be a good net citizen.
>> *BIND
>> *Incoming mail
>> *A POP3/IMAP server for my client.
>> *An SMTP server for my client to send to.
>> *Webmail for on-the-road access to my mail. (my existing provider uses
>> Open.Exchange and I like it but I'm also happy to consider other
>> recommendations)
>> Thanks,
>> Paul.
> Good choice with Gandi,
> I would forget BIND for the time being, just use Gandi's DNS. Then my
> preference is Dovecot for IMAP, Postfix for your SMTP and Roundcube for
> your webmail.
> But first, get ssh running on some random high port and lock down your
> firewall leaving only the random high port open
> ______________________________**_________________
> users mailing list
> users@???

Keith Williams

Anybody caught selling macrame in public should be dyed a natural color and
hung out to dry. - Calvin Trillin

He's doing it again!

Tailor Made English

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<div>I suggest you look at these articles in the wiki. There are a number o=
f useful guides linked from this page </div><div>=A0</div><div><a href=3D"h=
<br></div><div class=3D"gmail_quote">On 25 May 2012 14:56, Simon Bell <span=
dir=3D"ltr">&lt;<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">si=
mon@???</a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br><blockquote style=3D"margin:0px 0=
px 0px 0.8ex;padding-left:1ex;border-left-color:rgb(204,204,204);border-lef=
t-width:1px;border-left-style:solid" class=3D"gmail_quote">
<div class=3D"im">On 25/05/12 14:43, Paul Stimpson wrote:<br>
</div><div><div class=3D"h5"><blockquote style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;=
order-left-style:solid" class=3D"gmail_quote">
Thank you for you help with choosing a domain registrar. I went with Gandi =
I&#39;m the end and they seem great.<br>
I&#39;ve bought my first domains and I&#39;m just about to begin configurin=
g services on my VPS. This is the first time I&#39;ve run a server facing t=
he public internet.<br>
I&#39;d really appreciate any guidance on the best way to set up the follow=
ing so that it&#39;s competent, reliable and doesn&#39;t get pwned. I want =
to be a good net citizen.<br>
*Incoming mail<br>
*A POP3/IMAP server for my client.<br>
*An SMTP server for my client to send to.<br>
*Webmail for on-the-road access to my mail. (my existing provider uses Open=
.Exchange and I like it but I&#39;m also happy to consider other recommenda=
Good choice with Gandi,<br>
I would forget BIND for the time being, just use Gandi&#39;s DNS. Then my p=
reference is Dovecot for IMAP, Postfix for your SMTP and Roundcube for your=
But first, get ssh running on some random high port and lock down your fire=
wall leaving only the random high port open<div class=3D"HOEnZb"><div class=
users mailing list<br>
<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">users@???=</a><br>
<a href=3D"" target=3D"_bla=
</div></div></blockquote></div><br><br clear=3D"all"><br>-- <br><div>Keith =
Williams</div><div>=A0</div><div>Anybody caught selling macrame in public s=
hould be dyed a natural color and hung=20
out to dry. - Calvin Trillin</div><div>=A0</div><div>He&#39;s doing it agai=
n! <a href=3D"" target=3D"_bl=
ilor Made English=A0=A0 <a href=3D"" target=3D"_bla=


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