[bitfolk] Odd issue when re-numbering - new IP only routable…

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Author: Ewan Leith
Subject: [bitfolk] Odd issue when re-numbering - new IP only routable from some IPs.
enealogical data server

From mike@??? Wed May 09 18:49:09 2012
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Subject: Re: [bitfolk] PHP-CGI exploit probes seen - please make sure your
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On 09/05/2012 18:18, Ian wrote:

> An update for PHP in Squeeze became available in the last hour, I
> presume it covers this. There are also a few more packages being
> updated.

There are PHP updates for CentOS 5 and 6, too - just run "yum update".



From duane@??? Thu May 10 01:24:44 2012
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Subject: Re: [bitfolk] PHP-CGI exploit probes seen - please make sure your
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On 05/10/12 00:22, Andy Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> As you may be aware a major security problem was recently found in PHP when
> run in CGI mode. A customer has recently had their VPS compromised
> and has discovered probes for this vulnerability as described here:
>      http://blog.sucuri.net/2012/05/php-cgi-vulnerability-exploited-in-the-wild.html

> So, if you are running PHP in CGI mode you absolutely must secure it
> against this.

A friend of mine thinks php5-suhosin prevents the attack from working.

From kai.hendry@??? Thu May 10 07:40:55 2012
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