[bitfolk] Some feedback about IP renumbering needed

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Author: Andy Smith
Subject: [bitfolk] Some feedback about IP renumbering needed
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Subject: [bitfolk] Domain registrar
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Hi everyone,

Please can you recommend a domain registrar that won't treat=
me like poo and that won't force me to use their name servers so I can hos=
t my own DNS? Reasonable pricing and someone that doesn't throw up needless=
obstacles to leaving would be a plus.


Sent from my A=
ndroid phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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Hi everyone, <br>
Please can you recommend a domain registrar that won=
&#39;t treat me like poo and that won&#39;t force me to use their name serv=
ers so I can host my own DNS? Reasonable pricing and someone that doesn&#39=
;t throw up needless obstacles to leaving would be a plus.<br>
-- <br>
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail.=
Please excuse my brevity.

From mstevens@??? Wed Apr 25 14:52:32 2012
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Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Domain registrar
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On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 03:32:54PM +0100, Paul Stimpson wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Please can you recommend a domain registrar that won't treat me like poo and that won't force me to use their name servers so I can host my own DNS? Reasonable pricing and someone that doesn't throw up needless obstacles to leaving would be a plus.

I've been very happy with gandi.


From jgxenite@??? Wed Apr 25 14:53:36 2012
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