Re: [bitfolk] Small amounts of RAM missing - any ideas?

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Author: Andy Smith
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Small amounts of RAM missing - any ideas?
e run a forum you will know the enormous problem caused by
content spammers. They attempt to register and then some time later spew
out their junk. Sometimes it is just spam at others it is a variety of
hacking attempts or content skimming. They, usually, use a variety of
anonymising methods zombie nets, Tor etc. At one point I had to take down a
forum because of this. I have now added more security software which has
reduced bogus hits from several hundred a day to a trickle. One of the main
contributions to this reduction is rejecting connections from known Tor
exit nodes.

Yes Andy, I do think you should forward all those complaints!

Lots of discussion here

On 11 February 2012 17:07, Andy Smith <andy@???> wrote:

> Hi Johnathon,
> On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 04:53:38PM +0000, Johnathon wrote:
> > As far as I'm aware, this is a 'bridge' to the standard ssl/encrypted
> Tor network, not an exit node, so blocking 25/22 shouldn't be nessasary?
> >
> > Re exit nodes, I've seen white-hats using them to shutdown an entire
> botnet before. It's not just the blacks/greys who use Tor.
> You would have to take a personal judgement call on whether you feel
> the hassle of the bad traffic outweighs the benefit of the good.
> I receive automated alerts nearly every day regarding Tor exit nodes
> at BitFolk being used to connect to botnet C+C IRC channels. The
> only reason why I don't pass *those* on is because I know the people
> sending them don't expect a reply and I know my customer is just
> going to go "uh, it's Tor". These are most likely not whitehats
> shutting them down.
> Maybe I *should* start passing those on too, just so that Tor exit
> node operators can get some view on the scale of abuse they are
> enabling along with all the free speech.
> Cheers,
> Andy
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Keith Williams

Of those who say nothing, few are silent.

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I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're
going and hook up with them later.
- Mitch Hedberg

=B7=D3=B4=D5=E4=B4=E9=B4=D5 =B7=D3=AA=D1=E8=C7=E4=B4=AA=D1=E8=C7

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<div>If you have run a forum you will know the enormous problem caused by c=
ontent spammers. They attempt to register and then some time later spew out=
their junk. Sometimes it is