[bitfolk] Cacti bandwidth graphs with "total transferred" fi…

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Author: Andy Smith
To: Ewan Leith
CC: users
Old-Topics: Re: [bitfolk] IMPORTANT: You need to renumber the IP address(es) of your BitFolk VPS
New-Topics: Re: [bitfolk] IMPORTANT: You need to renumber the IP address(es) of your BitFolk VPS
Subject: [bitfolk] Cacti bandwidth graphs with "total transferred" figures now available

Thanks, Ewan, for the two nuggets...

FWIW, I have yet to reboot my machine.  I suppose it's fear: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  ;)  uptime now 344 days since last (bitfolk-wide?) reboot.


--- On Mon, 2/6/12, Ewan Leith <ewan@???> wrote:

From: Ewan Leith <ewan@???>
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] IMPORTANT: You need to renumber the IP address(es) of your BitFolk VPS
To: "Max B" <txtmax@???>
Cc: users@???, "Andy Smith" <andy@???>
Received: Monday, February 6, 2012, 9:44 AM

Hi Max,
I've updated the wiki now to mention the "rndc reload" command and updating your zone files if you use bind - the wiki login is just your usual bitfolk username.


I suspect most people will of just rebooted the box (or restarted all the bind services) if they were having issues with DNS, which would have forced a read of the updated zone file.


On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Max B <txtmax@???> wrote:


your view of 'renumbering for clients' and mine differ.  The way I look at it, any issues that force me to deal this change are directly relevant to 'renumbering for clients'.