[bitfolk] 2011-02-19 ~1400Z - Unscheduled power cycle of kah…

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Author: Andy Smith
Subject: [bitfolk] 2011-02-19 ~1400Z - Unscheduled power cycle of kahlua.bitfolk.com
Hi Michael,

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 04:01:08PM -0600, Michael Corliss wrote:
> After making sure that my VPS is receiving packets on the right address,
> I'm now getting warnings that it's sending on the old address.

I had a look at what was caught for you and it was just 9 packets,
split between source port 443 and source port 53. Probably just

So I wouldn't be too concerned.

> To my knowledge I don't have any software installed for which I
> needed to specify the VPS' IP, so my guess is that this will end
> when I remove the old address from network/interfaces. Is that
> right?

You will definitely not be able to send packets from an IP address
you have removed¹. ;)

> Is there a way to test before deleting the old IP?

# tcpdump -vpni eth0 'src net and not arp'

will show you any traffic going in or out of your eth0 that has a
source address inside and is not ARP traffic.


¹ OK yeah barring some crafty thing you do to generate such traffic.

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