if you configure it to use dialog
or something that should fit your terminal ?
From olemd@??? Mon Jan 16 13:04:26 2012
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On 16/01/12 13:52, Rodrigo Campos wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 09:44:57AM -0000, Mathew Newton wrote:
>> Hi Ian,
>> On Sun, January 15, 2012 8:59 pm, Ian wrote:
>>> 4. Doing the upgrade via the console had an issue with some of the alert
>>> boxes ('you've made changes to this file - do you want to keep them or
>>> install the package maintainer's version' sort of thing) staying on
>>> screen. Towards the end, I had one viewable line of text.
>> That's interesting - I see that all the time in the console and assumed it
>> was something to do with the configuration at my end (accessing via
>> Putty).
>> For normal scrolling text I don't have any problems with the console,
>> however when editing in-situ e.g. with nano/emacs the screen often starts
>> to freeze and the effective text window decreases until I have no choice
>> but to disconnect and try again.
>> It is little more than a pain at the moment, however I was planning an
>> Lenny-to-Squeeze upgrade and am concerned now as I really don't want any
>> issues like this mid way.
>> Has anyone else seen this and/or got any ideas how to resolve it?
> dpkg-reconfigure -plow debconf doesn't help if you configure it to use dialog
> or something that should fit your terminal ?
I believe the problem is that in a xen-console you get a "linux"-type
terminal, which appears to be rather limited.
$ echo $TERM
while in the console returns "linux" at least in my private xen-setup.
I don't know if it is possible to change this.
- OM
From dee@??? Mon Jan 16 14:15:14 2012
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