In light of the recent XZ/lzma backdoor we should perhaps think
harder about how complex sshd is and the wisdom of exposing that to
the entire Internet.
At BitFolk, this currently needs to be exposed to the Internet so
that you can connect to your Xen Shell (console).
More info on the Xen Shell for those new to it:
When thinking about ways to tighten this up, they are all going to
involve taking away your ability to just SSH to
There's a couple of ways this could go:
1. Remove direct SSH capability, replace with web
All current Xen Shell features to be put on a web interface.
Console to be used from a web interface.
I don't relish this, but I have seen some pretty nifty web
terminals so maybe it wouldn't be that bad.
2. Firewall off SSH from the Internet, poke holes temporarily
You'd have to supply to the Panel some list of net blocks that
you will SSH from and then there'd be a button to punch holes in
the firewall for SSH from those net blocks for 6 hours (for
There would have to be a limit on the size of the net blocks.
Let's say a /16 for IPv4 and a /32 for IPv6.
Option (2) is lots easier to implement so could happen fairly
quickly, but it is more fiddly to use: You're in an arbitrary place
and you suddenly need to connect to your Xen Shell; you've then got
to log in to Panel, work out your IP address¹, add it to the allow
list, then hit the button. Finally you can SSH.
Option (1) will require a lot of work but maybe it's less friction
to use a web-based terminal if you have to visit a web site anyway?
Option (2) does not preclude option (1). Providing a web-based
terminal that doesn't need the "allow SSH" button to be pressed can
be implemented after option (2) is done, as a sort of stretch goal.
Or maybe the web terminal is such an attractive and required feature
that it should be done first, before option (2) would be enacted?
I am disregarding the idea of flipping the default to having
password auth disabled. It is currently by default enabled but you
can disable it on a per-VM basis. I do recommend that you do that,
but what I am really more concerned about is an(other) exploit in
sshd, and that doesn't really have to be anything to do with
authentication (the XZ thing wasn't). Yes it would be a very bad day
for you if someone got in to your Xen Shell, but that's as far as
that goes, so I am still okay with leaving that determination up to
the customer.
I can't see a way of avoiding there having to be a list of net
blocks. With 50+ VMs on a host, if SSH is opened up from anywhere
for any one of them then it is open for all so really even with a
timeout it would be open a lot of the time.
I guess something interesting could be done for those not on legacy
Internet: assign unique IPv6 console address that can only be used
for connecting to that VM's Xen Shell. 😀
I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on this.
¹ Which you may not know because you might be behind one or more
layers of NAT.
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