I feared that may be the case.
I can leave both addresses on the VPS for a couple of weeks, but put a support ticket in, then you could save them up till you have a big enough batch to make it worthwhile looking at. Alternatively you could do the whole batch on the deadline day as anyone who hasn't changed by then would be cut off anyway (that sounds cruel I know) I am in no hurry to remove the old one as everything else is working OK on the new address.
I am beginning to look at IPv6 with a view to getting it all up and running properly when we have the v6 renumbering next year. Just out of interest, my interfaces files on both VPS show the correct v6 IPs but have gateways starting fe80: that must be wrong according to the wiki article. Anyway that's another tale for another day

On 7 November 2011 19:50, Andy Smith <andy@bitfolk.com> wrote:
Hi Keith,

On Mon, Nov 07, 2011 at 07:04:45PM +0000, Keith Williams wrote:
> This evening, I was thinking about the log in for the console and realised
> I use wnrspca.vps.bitfolk.com as the access address, so I did a dig of that
> name and it came up with the old 212.13 address. Perhaps I ought to put off
> removing the old address for a while

I must admit I had completely failed to consider the
<acct>.vps.bitfolk.com names.

I don't know what is best to do about them.

If I change them all now, then anyone using them who hasn't yet
renumbered will end up being directed to something that doesn't

I can't see any way out of this other than having people who use
those names put in a support ticket when they are ready to have them
switched. :(


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Keith Williams

If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
? - Abraham Maslow

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