Not a problem but may be when I remove the 212.13 address from my VPS
When I first took on this VPS, I was unable immediately to switch my domain name across, so it was called This weekend, I did the renumbering on it and it went so smoothly, I thought I must have done something wrong. I changed the DNS A record etc for the domain hosted on it - Everything is working and as I had prepared for the change by setting TTL on the nameserver to 15 minutes, by the end of the day, the old address was history and all was working well.
This evening, I was thinking about the log in for the console and realised I use as the access address, so I did a dig of that name and it came up with the old 212.13 address. Perhaps I ought to put off removing the old address for a while
Andy, is that something on your todo list or do you want me to raise a support ticket?
Keith Williams
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
? - Abraham Maslow
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