# cat exoco.net
; BIND data file for example.com
$TTL    604800
@       SOA     ns1.exoco.net. hostmaster.exoco.net. (
                            2010100201         ; Serial - YYYYMMDDXX
                                  7200         ; Refresh - 2hrs
                                   600         ; Retry - 10mins
                               1209600         ; Expire - 2wks
                                  3600)        ; minimum - 1hr
; Useful doc for above SOA values:
; http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-203.html

        NS      ns.exoco.net.
        NS      a.authns.bitfolk.com.
        NS      b.authns.bitfolk.com.
        NS      c.authns.bitfolk.com.

        MX      5 smtp.exoco.net.
        MX      50 backup.mail.bitfolk.com


ns      A
www     CNAME   exoco.net.
smtp    A


there seems to be some confusion about what I meant when I wrote 'config script'.
I meant what you termed a  'zone file'.

What do you mean by 'config script'??

I plan to use sendmail.

What is the difference between 'mail...' and 'smtp...'?
What happens if I have both written? 
Does the 'smtp' string affect how the outside world formats the mail?

What happens if I have written 'ns1...' in the '@ SOA' line and 'NS ns.exoco.net.' further below?

What happens if I have a delay of 'MX 5 smtp.exoco.net' in my bind zone file, and give a delay of 0 to my domain registry? 



From: Andy Smith <andy@bitfolk.com>
To: users@lists.bitfolk.com
Sent: Sun, October 3, 2010 1:25:28 PM
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] critique my bind9 setup

Hi Max,

On Sun, Oct 03, 2010 at 04:01:13AM -0700, Max B wrote:
> I now have installed bind9 on my VPS machine, and as I know very little about
> network administration, am posting my setup for all to critique in the hopes of
> settling on a useful secure bind9 installation for myself and future VPS users.
> I followed this article for its explanation and chroot instructions:
> <http://linux.justinhartman.com/DNS_Installation_and_Setup_using_BIND9>
> and this bitfolk email trail:
> <http://lists.bitfolk.com/lurker/message/20100112.002714.8eac953a.en.html>
> to generate the appended config script.

I don't see any config attached.

> ; BIND data file for example.com

Can we see the real zone file? One for example.com is not very
useful for checking a real setup.

Also if you could say what domains and records you're expecting your
nameserver to serve, we can check that out remotely to see if it is.


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